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Adam Cornell had every excuse to fail. Abandoned three times by his birth mother, he lived in seven different foster homes and had his heart broken by two failed adoptions. During his senior year at Woodinville High School, his adoptive father committed suicide. Failure, however, isn't in Cornell's vocabulary. A foster-child survivor, former Peace Corps volunteer and law-school graduate tells oth... posted on Aug 24 2001, 695 reads


Children under 18 are 244% more likely to be killed by guns than they were in 1986. See how one woman responded when she found out her own son was a gang member.... posted on Aug 23 2001, 823 reads


It takes 625 grapes to make one bottle of wine.... posted on Aug 22 2001, 629 reads


Specialized rescue teams from all over the world flooded into El Salvador after the big earthquake to provide hope, comfort and rescue aid to disaster victims.... posted on Aug 21 2001, 564 reads


A new study by the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation concluded: "Serving garlic bread at dinner enhanced the quality of family interactions. This has potential application in promoting and maintaining shared family experiences, thus stabilizing the family unit, and also may have utility as an adjunct to family therapy."... posted on Aug 20 2001, 548 reads


All the chemicals in the human body have a combined value of $6.25.... posted on Aug 19 2001, 642 reads


People are resilient - and so is nature, as demonstrated by the surprising way in which ecosystems are flourishing and flowers blooming, in the aftermath of the devastation of the Mount St. Helens volcanic explosion. ... posted on Aug 18 2001, 1,154 reads


You'd like to help a child - give them some positive encouragement and maybe a little sensible advice, but you just don't think you have the time to be a mentor. Think again - mentoring organizations are focusing on bringing together busy working adults with at risk kids - to the great benefit of both.... posted on Aug 17 2001, 697 reads


After 247 days alone at sea, circled by sharks and almost run over by a tanker, 54-year-old Jim Shekhdar becomes the first person to row across the Pacific solo. Further proof that a determined person can do whatever they decide to do.... posted on Aug 16 2001, 564 reads


The average American throws out 1,656 pounds (618 kilograms) of garbage each year. That's about 4.5 pounds (1.68 kilograms) each day.... posted on Aug 15 2001, 543 reads


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